Ultimate Web hosting aimed for SEO

web hosting

Do you ever think of why your website can’t rank top in search engines, or never been listed in search engines?

Think again… you might choose the wrong web hosting plan!

Yes, a lousy hosting provider with a slow server and bad uptime, tons of downtime… will google get this site listed on top 1 of the search result (SERP)?

Definitely, this is not going to happen.

A poor quality site will never rank, the poor quality host will never rank either.

Over the past 5 years in using web hosting, and late 1 year in hosting reviews writing, I had come across a few hosting providers that I blacklisted as ‘SEO failure host’.

Those hosting either have search engine bots blocked or having a bad server.

Some hosting does block the google bots, just to save on server usage and internet bandwidth.

Regardless of shared hosting or reseller hosting, they will block it.

We have seen this at Dreamhost and GoDaddy.

After the server is offloaded with SE bots, they can sell more hosting plans.

This is bad news!

I come across a few hosting providers that help my websites and blog to get listed in the top 5 of google search engines. And the hosting is Hostgator.

Hostgator is offering discounts sign up by the use of proper HostGator coupons code.

My websites will have tons of Hostgator coupons for you to choose from.

The conclusion is that good hosting will permit your website to get listed in search engines!

My sites are listed!

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